Mysteries of the Mind and Senses - Tor Publishing Group
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Mysteries of the Mind and Senses

Cover for the book titled as: Mysteries of the Mind and Senses
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Whether you believe in psychic premonitions or not, Mysteries of the Mind and the Senses, replete with factual details of times, dates, and places, will stir the interest of even the most devout skeptic.

Follow along as details are recounted, from dreams and feelings recorded throughout England, foretelling a disaster that occurred in a small rural village in the south of Wales.

Learn of the premonition that none other than Susan B. Anthony, founder of America’s Women’s Suffrage movement, had that saved her from a deadly hotel fire.

Read about the startling possibilities of psychometry–the ability to hold and object and read its history.

These phenomena and others will compel you to turn the pages of The Mysteries of the Mind and The Senses.

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